Richland Gourmet Apples Contributor/Blogger
Have you ever thought about why students give teachers apples as gifts? Well at Richland Gourmet Apples, you know we gave it a thought and did a little research.
According to an article published in ehow, one reason students gave teachers apples is because from approximately “1700 to 1900 children in Denmark and Sweden gave teachers apples because they came from poor farming families1.” While other students who could afford to express their appreciation for their teacher often brought traditional gifts; those who couldn’t afford to go to the local store gave what they had; which at the time meant giving something their family had grown. Hence, the giving of an apple.
This was also done in part because some of the teachers weren’t paid as much as their city counterparts. As a result, many families opted to send fruit to school with their children to supplement their meager wages. A teacher could end up with all types of fruit by the end of any given day; but the preferred fruit was an apple. As we discussed in our last post, apples can last ten times longer when refrigerated which meant teachers were sure to have a bite size treat at their disposal during any given pay period. This had to have helped them during the summer months when school was out and the implementation of summer school had not come about.
Why not stick to tradition and send a gourmet candy apple with your child when school starts? A simple Rocky Road Classic would brighten any teacher’s day! A jumbo sized granny smith apple dipped in gooey caramel, layered with golden pecans, and piled high with marshmallows and covered in white and milk chocolate. I mean what teacher wouldn’t want that on her desk? To purchase your child’s teacher one of these goodies, visit!
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